Want to help?
Volunteers are welcomed all year round! It’s easy to join, simply email volunteer@tbrdl.com and our volunteer coordinator will be in touch.
Frequently Asked Questions for Volunteers
Who can volunteer?
When can I join?
What the process for becoming a volunteer?
Do I need special equipment?
What do volunteers do?
Who can volunteer?
Volunteers must be 18+.
When can I join?
Volunteers are welcome anytime! Our greatest need for volunteers is during our home team championships typically between March to September.
What the process for becoming a volunteer?
Send an email to volunteer@tbrdl.com with your contact information and let us know if there anything specific you would like to do as a volunteer.
Do I need special equipment?
As a volunteer, you will not be in skates and do not need any special equipment.
What do volunteers do?
Volunteers may assist with any of the following
- track setup/tear down
- tickets/front door
- merchandise
- assisting as Non-Skating Officials (Penalty Tracker, Scorekeeper, Line-Up Tracker, etc)